Friday, November 5, 2010

5/6 and 7/8 Select Games

MBGLL will schedule 6 games for the select teams, but the teams can schedule additional games amongst themselves.


Anonymous said...

We have limited field space and limited coaching staff to coach our teams. Because of your requirement to have girls play on both a rec team and a select team (unlike BAYS soccer where you have the option to do both, but are not required to do both), it is going to be difficult for us to get practice time for additional select teams. Coach's time, players' time, field availability all come into play. If we do our best to give it a shot this year, but for some reason a coach or a large group of players cannot play a particular Saturday afternoon game and we are aware of the date before the season starts, can we request that for that particular Saturday when you would be scheduling a Select game for us, that the date be changed to a possible mid-week game or Sunday morning game, or another Saturday afternoon?

Anonymous said...

Hello -

Does anybody know how many Select teams have been registered up to this point? Specifically the North Shore.
